Overconsumption of clothes has a disastrous impact on the environment.
Fashion industry is the second largest polluter in the world.
Today, we are all aware that we must change our way of consumption. Change for better conceived clothes, better raw materials, better production.
Less, but better.
Our idea:create the 2020 Taylor Shop.
Fashion industry tends to see women as a whole, but we are all unique.
MEDID. doesn’t rely on novelty or trends, it’s timeless and ageless.
We want to propose the best of the essential basics with the perfect fit for all, personal experience, advices and if needed a service to put your outfit at your dimensions with the workshop.
A unique and taylor-made experience.
Every body is beautiful, this is MEDID.
With Arianna Di Nardo & Anna Mandri during Master in Retail Design at Elisava.